Scientific Computing Fundamentals for Researchers

October 28th - November 1st, 2019
Register with CAMH email

The workshop series is FREE for all CAMH students, staff, and trainees

Please sign up with a CAMH email address, so that we know who you are!.

Non-CAMH Registration

All others are welcome to join us for $5 per hour ($5-10 per course).
We’ve capped the cost to external users at $100 for unlimited courses. Please email for more details.


Our research is increasingly more computationally-driven and training is often not part of the core curriculum for biomedical / medical science degrees. The Scientific Computing Workshops at CAMH are focused on building computing skills and fundamentals to help organize study data, automate repeatable/reproducible analyses, and make use of CAMH computing resources to save time. The workshops offer a range of topics and support different levels of experience. We use a shared dataset - spanning demographic, cognitive, imaging, and genomic data - across all workshop, maintaining consistency across the series. If you have questions, send us an email at

Required Software

Calendar of Events

Course Descriptions